May 2022

Zoom towards success combining psychology and digital marketing !

To be successful, digital marketers need to be excellent psychologists. Knowing what makes people tick and placing those psychological triggers in the right way can be extremely reach better marketing results. The following are some tips we could apply to your strategy as soon as possible to boost your digital marketing game. Emotional Marketing Emotional […]

Zoom towards success combining psychology and digital marketing ! Read More »

Succeed and grow in leaps and bounds by avoiding death by PowerPoint

We bring to you an article based on the presentation given by John White, Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army Introduction Slides prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint ~PowerPoint 2002! are commonly used to convey information to groups in corporate settings, the military, and increasingly in the classroom. There are obvious practical advantages to using PowerPoint for undergraduate teaching. Thoughtfully prepared

Succeed and grow in leaps and bounds by avoiding death by PowerPoint Read More »

The rising giant India is going viral on the internet – Connect now to succeed !

The fancy little Internet of the past has become the biggest force in business today, powerful enough to topple regimes. What was a luxury has become a necessity.  The total Internet user base in India is estimated to cross 700 million by 2020; that’s almost two in every three Indians with access. And by 2030,

The rising giant India is going viral on the internet – Connect now to succeed ! Read More »

Amazon and Google are the new modern Takshashila and Nalanda University.. Join to succeed!

Learning is available for all everywhere now. This is why Amazon and Google are the new modern Takshashila and Nalanda Universities. There is no barrier for anyone here. So AI is what will make people learn online. Ancient Indian institutes Institutions of ancient India such as Takshashila, Nalanda,Vikramshila, Vallabhi, set the highest standards of multidisciplinary

Amazon and Google are the new modern Takshashila and Nalanda University.. Join to succeed! Read More »

Use Digital Sales to move ahead and succeed

 Customers today have changed more than we realize.  Everyone access to information via social and digital channels, Hence, they use these channels to empower their decision making.     The erstwhile days of sales professionals being gatekeepers of information are no longer relevant. Hence, the primary query now if buyers have become more digital and sophisticated

Use Digital Sales to move ahead and succeed Read More »

To move forward in education, let us understand but not succumb to the Veblen effect to zoom towards success

There is a class of goods where there exists an inverse relationship between the price of a good or service and the quantity demanded of that good or service.  These goods are called Veblen goods and violate the law of demand after prices have risen above a certain level. The Veblen Effect The Veblen Effect

To move forward in education, let us understand but not succumb to the Veblen effect to zoom towards success Read More »

We can succeed in Organic Search and content marketing with the right strategy

If we have a presentation with a very powerful message about the mission of our brand, we are qualified to speak on the subject matter because we are passionate about it — and our audience cares, because what we do makes a difference in their lives. This is the scenario brands face today while working

We can succeed in Organic Search and content marketing with the right strategy Read More »