Post-Graduate Program in Digital Marketing & CRM using AI

This course is designed to prepare young graduates for the role of Digital Marketers and CRM Managers, who can leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automate and personalize the sales and marketing processes for businesses. The course covers the theoretical and practical aspects of Digital Marketing and CRM, including the digital marketing strategies, channels, tools, metrics, analytics, customer relationship management, customer segmentation, customer journey, customer loyalty, customer retention, customer feedback, customer satisfaction, customer advocacy, etc.

Program in Digital Marketing & CRM using AI

The course is delivered by certified global experts in Digital Marketing and CRM, who have rich experience and expertise in the field. The course adopts a blended learning approach, which combines online lectures, interactive sessions, case studies, assignments, projects, quizzes, and exams. The course also provides hands-on experience with various Digital Marketing and CRM tools and platforms through lab sessions and simulations.

The course duration is six months, followed by a brief industry internship that will help the students to apply their learning to real-world problems and gain exposure to the industry and commerce sectors. The course also prepares the students for various global certifications in Digital Marketing and CRM from Google, Meta, Hubspot, SEMRUSH , Hootsuite etc.

By the end of this course, the students will be able to:

Understand the fundamental concepts and principles of Digital Marketing and CRM and their importance in the digital era. Identify and select the appropriate digital marketing strategies, channels, tools, metrics, and analytics for different business goals and scenarios. Implement and optimize various digital marketing campaigns using AI techniques such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, etc., using various tools and platforms. Measure and analyze the performance and effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns using various methods and tools. Understand the concept and importance of customer relationship management and its impact on business growth and profitability. Implement and optimize various CRM processes using AI techniques such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, etc., using various tools and platforms. Segment and target customers based on their behavior, preferences, needs, etc., using AI techniques such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, etc., using various tools and platforms. Design and deliver personalized and engaging customer experiences across different touchpoints and channels using AI techniques such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, etc., using various tools and platforms. Build and maintain customer loyalty, retention, feedback, satisfaction, and advocacy using AI techniques such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, etc., using various tools and platforms.

Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

Program in Digital Marketing & CRM using AI

The course pedagogy consists of:

Online lectures: The lectures are delivered online by the certified global experts in Digital Marketing and CRM. The lectures cover the theoretical concepts and principles of Digital Marketing and CRM and provide examples and illustrations from various domains and scenarios. The lectures are recorded and made available for later viewing and revision by the students.

Interactive sessions: The interactive sessions are conducted online by the instructors and facilitators. The interactive sessions provide an opportunity for the students to ask questions, clarify doubts, discuss topics, share experiences, and exchange feedback with the instructors and peers. The interactive sessions also include guest lectures by industry practitioners and experts who share their insights and perspectives on Digital Marketing and CRM issues and trends.

Case studies: The case studies are based on real-world problems and situations related to Digital Marketing and CRM. The case studies help the students to apply their learning to practical contexts and analyze the challenges and solutions involved in Digital Marketing and CRM. The case studies also enhance the students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and communication skills.

Assignments: The assignments are given to assess the students’ understanding and application of the concepts and techniques learned in the course. The assignments require the students to perform various tasks and activities related to Digital Marketing and CRM, such as digital marketing campaign planning, implementation, optimization, analysis, CRM process design, implementation, optimization, analysis, customer segmentation, targeting, personalization, etc.

The assignments are graded and feedback is provided by the instructors.

Projects: The projects are designed to provide hands-on experience and exposure to the students in Digital Marketing and CRM. The projects require the students to work in groups and develop a Digital Marketing or CRM solution for a given problem or scenario. The projects involve various stages, such as problem identification, requirement analysis, design, implementation, testing, evaluation, and presentation. The projects are evaluated and feedback is provided by the instructors and peers.

Quizzes: The quizzes are conducted online to test the students’ knowledge and comprehension of the topics covered in the course. The quizzes consist of multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and fill-in-the-blanks questions. The quizzes are timed and scored automatically by the system.

Exams: The exams are conducted online to measure the students’ achievement of the course objectives and outcomes. The exams consist of descriptive questions, case-based questions, and application-based questions. The exams are proctored and graded by the instructors.

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Running successfully since 2010 

Panel of expert trainers 

Trained more than 12k students

Conducted more than 300 workshops India & Globally

DTA is also into Digital Marketing Workshops & Consulting

Located in multiple regions of Mumbai including Thane, Dadar, Vashi, Andheri, & Fort

Institutes which enhances your Mindset, Skillset & Toolset in turn trainee excels

Very keen focus on excelling students’ practical skills rather than theory indeed which is required.

Learning Path


The course framework consists of the following modules:

Introduction to Digital Marketing and CRM

  • Overview of Digital Marketing and CRM
  • Essential Components of Digital Marketing and CRM
  • Digital Marketing and CRM Domains and Applications
  • Digital Marketing and CRM Challenges and Opportunities

Digital Marketing Strategies, Channels, Tools, Metrics, and Analytics

  • Types and Objectives of Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Types and Selection of Digital Marketing Channels
  • Types and Usage of Digital Marketing Tools
  • Types and Measurement of Digital Marketing Metrics and Analytics

Digital Marketing Automation and Personalization using AI

  • Need and Importance of Digital Marketing Automation and Personalization using AI
  • Techniques and Tools for Digital Marketing Automation and Personalization using AI
  • Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, etc. for Digital Marketing Automation and Personalization
  • Implementation and Optimization of Digital Marketing Campaigns using AI

Customer Segmentation and Targeting using AI

  • Need and Importance of Customer Segmentation and Targeting using AI
  • Techniques and Tools for Customer Segmentation and Targeting using AI
  • Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, etc. for Customer Segmentation and Targeting
  • Implementation and Optimization of Customer Segmentation and Targeting using

Customer Relationship Management Processes Automation and Optimization using AI

  • Need and Importance of Customer Relationship Management Processes Automation and Optimization using AI
  • Techniques and Tools for Customer Relationship Management Processes Automation and Optimization using AI
  • Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, etc. for Customer Relationship Management Processes Automation and Optimization
  • Implementation and Optimization of Customer Relationship Management Processes using AI

Customer Relationship Management Concept and Importance

  • Definition and Scope of Customer Relationship Management
  • Objectives and Benefits of Customer Relationship Management
  • Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Business Growth and Profitability
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Customer Relationship Management

Digital Marketing Performance and Effectiveness Measurement and Analysis

  • Need and Importance of Digital Marketing Performance and Effectiveness Measurement and Analysis
  • Methods and Tools for Digital Marketing Performance and Effectiveness Measurement and Analysis
  • Evaluation and Validation of Digital Marketing Campaigns using Various Metrics and Methods
  • Improvement and Optimization of Digital Marketing Campaigns using Measurement and Analysis Results
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